We have really enjoyed eating locally over this last year. When most of our farm stands closed recently for the season, I couldn't bring myself to go back to the grocery store to buy vegetables shipped across the country. So, i joined a local CSA (community supported agriculture). I got my first box yesterday. I am really going to enjoy this because I will have to cook with whatever shows up in my box. This week, i got a red kuri squash, dilly green beans, raw honey, lettuce, celeriac, shallots, garlic, potatoes, apple cider, and...... |
pornographic carrots! Pretty shocking, right? Well, if you think this is an eye opener, check out this carrots backside.
I mean really, I can't make this stuff up!
I tink I've heard about groups like that here too but only in the bigger cities, I guess they thiunk we can grow our own vegetables if we live in the countryside :-)
Have a great day!
I'm laughing with you, how funny is that carrot.
It's great to join a co-op, enjoy your delivery :-)