How To Make a Tutu

 I have a little friend that loves to dress up in costumes so I decided to make her a tutu.  This was a good project for someone with very limited sewing skills, that being me!  Measure the waste size and cut a piece of elastic 2 inches smaller. Sew the ends together by hand or using your machine. Cut out a piece of cardboard to the length you want the tutu to be.

 I used 3 rolls of tulle for this.  Wrap the tulle around the cardboard overlapping as you go.

 Place a rubber band around the end you are going to cut to hold it in place.

 Cut one end of the tulle.

 You need something to put the elastic around.  I cleaned this old bucket and used it.

 Like this.

 I wanted to make this tutu very colorful so I used three different colors.

 Just loop each piece of tulle under the elastic.

 Push the strands through the loop.

 Pull to tighten.

 Then tie a knot.  Keep repeating this around the elastic alternating the colors.

Viola!  A tutu for a little girl.  I think I need a grandbaby!


Guillaume said…
Never thought I'd read that as a blog title somewhere.
That's adorable. I bet your little friend will love it!
Anonymous said…
Its perfect, I love it, and you're right, Gracie would love this!
Anonymous said…
Now I know how to make one if I ever need to :-)

Have a great day!
Leanne said…
oh yes a grandbaby!!! Love the tutu
That is so cute! Perfect for a fairy princess or a ballet dancer!
Leanna said…
So cute and easy! I love this. Now if my step daughter would just get preggers and have a girl. Dreaming.
Barb said…
Thanks for the great directions!
How clever is that. LOVE it. Pretty colors too.
Dog Trot Farm said…
Joyce, yes you need a grandchild! You would be one awesome grandmother...I highly recommend it... Love this sweet little tutu...If I ever have a granddaughter this post will come in handy!!
That's sweet and hopefully you'll get a little grand. You are still young, it will happen. I had to laugh at Christer's comment!
Getting your cones ready. I'm being just a bit picky..although most are perfect even falling from such great heights!
Kay said…
What a fabulous idea! My granddaughter takes ballet and would love this.