A Wizard's Wand

My router is working at the moment so I am putting up a quick post.  I have some little friends that love everything magical.  I am making them wizard's wands.  They are really fun to make and very easy.
I forgot to take picks of the first few steps but basically you start out with a chopstick and glue and wrap it with a piece of art paper.  Just a sheet of colored art paper. Cut one end off and leave the other end with a tapered point.  After it dries, drizzle hot glue all over it.
 I glued a few 'gems' to the flat end.  Paint the entire wand with acrylic paint.

 Glue additional gems or stones to the wand.

 I put hot glue all around the gems so they would not fall off easily.

 Let your imagination run wild.  I painted part of the handle end a redish color and added gold accents and more tiny crystals.

I used my jewelry findings and made a fancy chain to attach to the side. A good wizard should always have a very fancy wand.
 This is a chain I made for another wand which I will show you when it is finished.

Click for a closer look.  It's ready for small hands and big spells.


Anonymous said…
So cool!

It looks like it belongs to a really powerful wizard!

Have a great day!
Leanna said…
So pretty! I know a little Witch that would love to have one.
Anonymous said…
Harry Potter himself could not wish for a finer wand!
Bee Haven Bev said…
How cool is that!!!! I think I need a big, big, big magic wand!!!
Bee Haven Bev said…
How cool is that!!!! I think I need a big, big, big magic wand!!!
Mary Ann said…
Oh, oh... what a great idea! Thinking of birthdays this fall! Thank you!
Guillaume said…
Absolutely cool! Want to make some props for our Dungeons&Dragons game?;-)
Barb said…
Wonderful, your young friends must love you!
1st Man said…
That is ten kinds of awesome. What kid would not want one of these? Too cool!!
Looks fabulous. The gems make it special, indeed. The perfect wand for little hands. What do you use for bigger hands?
Ian's Girl said…
Love love love love love!
It's beautiful. Really, beautiful! I've never known anyone with so many talents..amazing! :)