The Ramp Festival

The Blog Tech had been telling his fiance about our favorite ramp festival for a year and we took off very early on Saturday to drive to it. The countryside we drove through was beautiful.

 We always stop at this place on the way to sample all of the food they prepare with ramps. As you saw in the post from last week's ramp festival, the fiance LOVES ramps.  She sure is marrying into the right family.

Click for a closer look to see what they make with ramps.

 A ramp dog.

 Ramp homefries.

 And their favorite was the ramp milkshake.  They sucked that baby down in a nano second. Then we headed to the ramp festival which I will show you once I go through all of the pics.

 On the way to the festival, we stopped along the road and bought bags of ramps from one of the many locals selling them.


Anonymous said…
beautiful countryside,, I have never heard of so many dishes with Ramps,,
You people are RAMP CRAZY!
Susan said…
I want to live near a ramp festival! That ramp milkshake looks awesome!
How far is it to the nearest ramp festival. I need some of those home fries. They look scrumptious.
Anonymous said…
Well, I'm not sure, Ramp milkshake :-) :-) :-) I think I would draw the line there to be honest :-) :-)

HGave a great day!

Guillaume said…
Boy you sure love ramp! I think I'd go there just for the countryside.
littlemancat said…
The first photo is stunning!
I'm with Christer. I would probably draw the line at a Ramp milkshake. Sounds..well..awful but if they swilled them down like that..I would probably take a chance and try one. I said MAYBE! LOL