The Back Garden

 We finally got some rain which was very much needed except for this.

 Be careful when you buy raised planters, they apparently are not made as well as you might think.  There go all of my lettuces, radishes and edamame.

 I think I just started getting my gardens ready for future grandchildren.  How cute is this.  The toadstool door can only be opened by wee fairies. Click for a closer look.  It's the perfect place to sip chamomile tea and eat toasted mushroom sandwiches.

These potato bags are great.  There is a little window in the back which you open to harvest potatoes as they grow and you don't disturb the plants.

 My tomatoes are growing like crazy but my peppers are still small.

 The dogwoods are blooming.

The pool is open.

 Most of the perennials are blooming.

I finally got around to pulling all the ivy off of my woodburning oven and now it is time to paint the steel doors.

 Another perennial bed.

These two match each other but they don't bloom at quite the same time.  It's almost Summer!


Anonymous said…
awww, gee thats a shame that thing collapsed,, what a mess,
go jump in that beautiful pool for me,, OK
I love the water,, only lakes to swim in for me and they are still too cold!!
Oh, those toadstools are just TOO cute!
Sara said…
I LOVE that oven.
Gemmagirl said…
Almost Sumer means that fall is within shooting distance.
Guillaume said…
This is just gorgeous. It reminds me of my parents' garden, as I said previously in another post. You make me feel homesick.
Sandra said…
I am in love with that mushroom set :o!!
You have so many neat things outside in your garden. It is beautiful. It is a shame you lost that container and the contents.
Leanna said…
The only things I truly miss about living up north are Autumn mornings, snow, and dogwoods in bloom.
So sorry you lost the seedlings. Was there no way to save at least a few?
Well, for pete's sake!! You would think they would be made to withstand what they are made to do...another summer coming and no garden for me. At least the grass is green! I would have said a few..bad words if that had happened to me!! You didn't...did you??? heh heh!! :)