
 My first tomato.

He was purty, then I ate him.


Anonymous said…
Soo fine!

I'm just behind You, I think that my first one will be ripe in a few days if we get some sunshine :-)

Have a great day!

Gemmagirl said…
Sacrificial lamb.
Leanne said…
the first of the season always tastes the bestest
kymber said…
i pray you cut him in four, loaded on the salt and pepper and enjoyed every bite!
Nellie said…
Nothing better than the season's first homegrown tomato! Enjoy those that follow as well!
1st Man said…
LOL, hoping for our first tomato when I head to the farm tomorrow. Enjoy!
Guillaume said…
I cannot wait to try my luck at gardening.
Homegrown and perfect. YUM.
Mary Ann said…
Doggone it! You beat us, we have them still green on the vine!

Always try to beat July 4th, but not this year! :-)

Well done!
Jim said…
You 'made his day', Joyce!
And yours!!
cl said…
Was he tasty?
chickpea678 said…
:) love it! You memorialized her!