Cooking for the Kids

 A couple months ago, The Blog Tech took another job in a town not far from where he was working to open another after school program.  I now cook for both.  I'm not complaining since these programs are probably gone after this term due to that wonderful new administration that is so concerned about helping the little guys. I am just happy to be still feeding them right now.  Feeding 50 people is a lot trickier than feeding the less than 20 that were there when I started this several years ago. Here is some of the food I made over this last week.  Above is poblano mac and cheese which I seriously think the kids would eat every single day if they could.

 Egg roll bowl is another favorite.  I love making this for them because it is filled with vegetables.  This batch had 4 whole heads of cabbage in it.

 And they really love meat and cheese platters.  I always send these with crackers or rolls so they can make sandwiches with them if they want. I made a small one for the smaller group.

And a huge one for the original group.                                                                                                                             
 Soup making season is coming to an end but I made them wedding soup one last time.

 Taco pasta is a good meal. It gets served with Fritos sprinkled on top.  Kids love Fritos!  Heck, they love pasta and they love tacos so mixing the two together is a real treat.  A week in the life of the after school kids!

Here is another shot of my Fall Flowering Cherry tree. It flowers now and then again each Fall.


Is the Blog Tech going to be unemployed because of the cuts? Or does he have another function that he will fill when the after school programs are gone?
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't hesitate to eat anything of that :-) :-) It all look delicious!

have a great day!

Linda said…
Do you think you can get any local programs to help out with the expenses for you and the children?
Anonymous said…
I'm praying this will all work out. You just keep doing what you're doing and don't get discouraged. We will not let that guy win.
Susan said…
I'm still confused about "Great" being thrust back into the Dark Ages. I am sure these kids really appreciate all of your care and effort - not to mention what the Blog Tech brings to the party. It would be such a great thing if more individuals stepped up to the plate so that we could cut more ties with government. They pretty much always let us down.
Rain said…
Your cherry tree is lovely Joyce! Hey, it's not just kids who love Fritos! I LOVE FRITOS!!! Your pasta dishes look so scrumptious...I'm craving cheesy pasta now! And what work you put into the cheese and meat platters, very nice! :)
Guillaume said…
I want to try the pasta. Like badly.
Gemmagirl said…
How kind you and your family are for all you do for these young people. God bless you.
Diana from Canada.
greekwitch said…
It is so sad that these programs will get cut! I hope a solution gets found!!!!
Kids love food and you supply a belly full. I hope the programs will somehow continue.