Garden Totem

 I made a garden totem for one of my friends.  These things are so much fun to make.

 I added a small clear glass bowl and glued a porcelain flower inside of it.  I always use outdoor glass glue for these pieces.

 This totem has 11 pieces of glass in it.

Whenever I give these away, the recipients are always a bit nervous to place them outdoors.  I've had my original ones outside for years and nothing has ever happened to them.


Linda said…
I have gotten rid of so many lamp parts lie those. Now, I am afraid I will try to collect them once more unless we could become friends. The only things that would bother those would be cats that come by to rub on everything in the yard, knocking over anything they can.
The JR said…
What brand of outdoor glass glue do you use?
jaz@octoberfarm said…
oops...i mean E6000!
Anonymous said…
Its quite beautiful, but I too would be leery of putting so much glass in my yard for fear of breakage and shards of glass everywhere. We have squirrels, cats, opossums, and raccoons in our yard on a regular basis. I could just see one of them rubbing up against the totem and tumbling it over.
Jan said…
That is so pretty. I have been collecting some glass for my future totem pole. I'm thinking when I can't find any at the thrift stores here others are making the same things. And to think that a few years ago I gave away a stash of glass vases from the florist not knowing I would want them in the future.
Anonymous said…
They are magnificent!
I can however see how my dogs run in to them while playing spreading loads of sharp glass pieces everywhere :-) :-) :-)

Have a great day!

Gemmagirl said…
I've got to try these. They are so lovely. Joyce, do you leave these out in the winter. I live in Southern Ontario and we get some pretty nasty cold and snow.
Diana from Canada
jaz@octoberfarm said…
i put them in my potting shed which is not heated during the winter. in general, i am very careless with them and i've never had any failure with them.
WOW. How beautiful. I am surprised a wayward tree branch hasn't hit one. You are lucky, indeed.
Linda said…
I would never trust the raccoons, cats, and squirrels with these. However, managing to "anchor" them in a plant stand or something similar would make me less leery of using one. Plus, not placing them where they could topple onto rocks or concrete or brick would help them stay whole.
Jim said…
They would make interesting garden sculptures.....hmm.m.m
Teacats said…
Wonderful!!! I wonder if these totems could be lit up at night?
jaz@octoberfarm said…
they could if you drilled them and made sure to seal where the cord enters so no moisture can get in.
chickpea678 said…
That is spectacular.