The original reason I started this blog was because I was bad at keeping a journal. My recipes were terribly disorganized. I needed a place to record what was going on in my everyday life. Though the blog itself is still a bit of a mess, I do have someone working on getting it organized. It takes a long time to straighten out a ten year mess. One of my favorite things to do is to look back from season to season and see how and when my flowers are blooming and my vegetables are growing. It's a good way to record everything.
My zucchinis are blooming but still not setting any fruit.
The celery is thriving.
An eggplant about to bloom.
The first cucumber has formed.
Green peppers
I planted all of my zinnias from seed and they are about to bloom.
This Bay Tree almost bought the farm over the long winter and I am thrilled that it has come back and put out a tremendous amount of new growth. I have three of these trees and they are all about 5 feet high now.
The Oakleaf Hydrangeas are opening. By the 4th of July they will turn pink and Fall will not be far away.
That is a Black Eyed Susan vine on the left and I am going to train it to grow over the birdcage on my potting table.
A nice sitting area.
I still have no flowers on my tomato plants or bell pepper plants and my squash and pumpkin plants are still very small but if this good weather we're having continues they should grow fast soon!
Have a great day!