Fuck Trump

 I feel your pain piglet!

 And Trump is counting on him doing it again and again.

'America First' suckers. He should just say 'Trump First' because that is what he actually means. Think about it, Jim Jones got his followers to drink Kool-Aide the same way. 

Stephen King recognizes horror when he sees it.

 Now we know why!

Come on America....ACT LIKE AMERICANS AGAIN!!!  Get this joker out of the office he stole.


The JR said…
My step daughter (the physical therapist) got me worked into the ankle ortho today at 2:30. Guess that is the 1st step in trying to find out what in the heck is going on with my stupid ankle.

Have a good day.
Valerie said…
Amen. VOTE people! Your lives depend on it!
mxtodis123 said…
His flock of followers are definitely entranced. No matter what he does, he can do no wrong in their eyes. He even said himself that he could shoot someone and they would still follow him. Scary. We all have to get out there and vote. As it stands, it's going to take years to clean up the mess he has made.
Who will trust the USA as an ally anymore? No one.
Alicia Foodycat said…
I went to a big concert in Hyde Park on Sunday - James Taylor was one of the acts. He stood up at one point and said "Look, I feel I have to say something. There is another America". Fortunately from the outside we can see you, and the compassionate America, but I just can't imagine what he will have to do before "his" Americans wake up to compassion and see they have been played for fools.
Linda said…
I live in a solid RED state. Everyone has said for years that now Russia is trustworthy. I have disagreed for years. NOW, they trust Putin even more. I will have a stroke if I hear another person in my daily life that stands up for Trump and Putin.
Susan said…
I'd like to stick a bar of soap in his mouth, the asshat. I have never been so appalled by our so-called leadership. I just try and remember that we wasn't elected by the people. He was elected by a passé, out of date, needs to be kicked down the road institution called the electoral college. We need to press for good candidates. You know, people who can articulate their ideas and who read books. He is such a moron. I could not hate him more.
Writch said…
Ever since 2016, I've had this uncanny and uncomfortable feeling that I'm living in the wrong timeline. It hasn't lessened, and I still hope most days when I wake up that this nightmare will have all been in my head. Still no luck.

The people who support this disgusting jerkwad are even worse than him. As said above, they will excuse EVERYTHING he does, no matter how detrimental to the nation or themselves personally. It's tribalism, pure and simple, and they know it. They just think that if it hurts everyone different from them, it's worth every indignity in the meantime.
Leanna said…
When Obama was our president I slept like a baby. I felt safe and I was happy. Now, I have nightmares of a Soviet takeover of the U.S. orchestrated by that embarrassing piece of orange shit in office through Putin. When is Congress going to grow balls and force him out?

*a special note* - Yesterday on NBC there was a foreign newsman who was forcibly removed from the room in front of all the other news people. This was before Dumbass and Putin came out to speak. That man was not an American that I know of and he was removed by Russian equivalent to KGB. I'm betting that he is now dead. Putin loves to kill journalists.
Ann said…
BRAVO !!!!
Thank you for speaking out against the White House squatter.
I ask myself daily just w0hat has to happen before he is thrown out of the office that the popular vote did not put him in. His actions are dangerous,his tweets infantile whining.
Theresa said…
If only it were that easy! Seriously, going forward we sadly need to legislate some norms and restrictions on the off ice of the President, like cheating to win is punishable by death as is treason. As appalling as the orange asshat is, I'm more shocked in the way the GOP has rolled over and let him have his way. I say they should all be deported to Russia and as he already has, let Putin have his way with them.
Laura said…
OMFG, what has happened to America? Are his supporters really that angry a black man was elected president that they will go along with ANY white asshole now? I am so sad we have this many closeted racists here.
Laura said…
On a side note, your puppies are unbelievably adorable. I come here everyday to check on their progress.
bobbie said…
Helen said…
My husband wants to move to another country. I told him, no we have to stay, vote him out. This is my country and he doesn't get to do with it as he wishes.
jaz@octoberfarm said…
hey mrs duval...don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! i don't need anti americans reading my blog!
I saw the front page of a newspaper that depicted 45 standing with Putin on 5th Avenue, NY with a gun in his hands and shooting Uncle Sam. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Leanne said…
i still cant believe people voted for him. how could anyone?
He is a danger to the world. Attacks Your allies and is best friend with dictators like Kim Jung-Un and is Putin's puppet.

Herbalgirl said…
I marched in London during his embarrassing visit. What a glorious day it was, exercising freedom of speech with tens of thousands of like minded people of all nationalities and ethnicities. We must resist all that he stands for.
I am disabled and I begged everyone to vote for Hillary,(whether they liked her or not) because I knew if he got into office my life would be in danger. I wasn't wrong Medicare cuts, HUD cuts, Social Security in the crosshairs, freedom of choice, gay rights, all of it slipping away. It meant no peace of mind and stress since election day. Thank you for standing up because if we don't so many more people will suffer. Ps please love on the pups for me and on a positive note have you read the Practical Magic prequel yet? I am about to reread it.
Guillaume said…
Trump's a swine. Fuck him.
Gulietta said…
Obama was a classy president. Here in Glasgow people marched with pictures of the Mexican children separated at the border. We hope that the American people vote him out for next term. So many good people in your country. I read your blog every day and love your recipes and those beautiful chow chows.