Dump Trump


"Make Racism Wrong Again" -- absolutely! I hate how the Trump administration encourages and emboldens every two-bit racist to crawl out from under their rocks and spout off. We've seen a big uptick in this BS in Canada too. They feel safe to reveal themselves now.
LEfting said…
Thank you so much for posting this. I live in Canada, and I look on in horror as things go downhill daily in the USA. I cannot believe that millions voted for him...I just wonder if the Russian interference is even greater than they have proved so far. Maybe he didn't get as many legitimate votes.
Surely MOST Americans don't approve of toddlers being kept in cages(one 18 month old has just died of an infection contacted in jail), building a wall to keep needy people out, and the horrific way he has treated John McCain; I could go on and on. We are so sorry you have to go through this. Hopefully it ends very soon.
bobbie said…
As usual, I love them all!

Keep up the good work!
Mary said…
Sadly all true...
Guillaume said…
John Iselin lives and he POTUS.
Kris said…
As I watch the solemn procession of Sen. John McCain's motorcade bringing this national hero to the Capitol in Phoenix, I pause and look forward to a future when a procession of dump trucks haul away the corpse of Donald Trump while we party in the streets. I enjoy your posts. Very cathartic.