Dump Trump

Will the Patriots go?

 Click to enlarge.

 What our children will study in school.


Alas, that 4th meme has ruined creamsicles for me now!
bobbie said…
Thank You!!! I feel SO much better now ~
Leanna said…
I can't wait for the impeachment proceedings on the Mango Mussolini to start. After that, they should start impeachment proceedings and jail time for the senators that (Turtle Mcconnell, Miss Lizzy Graham, and little Marco Rubio, among other GOP) took Russian money and pushed for legislation to benefit the Russian Oligarchs. I would invest in popcorn stocks for that to happen.
Rob Reiner speaks the truth. Many of those children will never be returned to their parents. They were kidnapped, and who knows what is happening to them. If this occured in another country, the world would speak with outrage, but it happened here, and little is said.
Christer. said…
So many good and true ones today!

Guillaume said…
I love them. Keep them coming.