Working On Next Christmas Already

 First thing every morning, The W's rush out front to watch people walk to work.  It's their morning ritual.

No matter how tired Willie is, he has to be close by watching me cook.  Even if he does it with his eyes closed.

 Remember all the brooches I showed you that I was collecting from thrift stores?  I've finally started using them to make decorations for next Xmas.

I guess it was my daughter's interest in decorating this year that stirred my creative juices to make as many homemade decorations as I can for next year. And oh do I ever have plans for so many things.

 I work at my messy/comfortable craft desk. It might look like a total mess to others but I know exactly where everything is.

 I'm figuring these trees out as I go, so for now this one is looking rather rough.

 I use hot glue, craft glue and pins to fasten the brooches in place.

 Slowly, it's taking shape.  These are going to use a lot more brooches than I thought.

 And this is turning out to be very heavy.

After a few more hours, it is coming together.  The tricky part will be filling in the spaces between the brooches but I have a good idea for how I will do that.  I'll show this when it's done.

  I bought these dirt cheap tree shapes when they were marked down after Xmas.  I don't want to use styrofoam cones because the weight of the brooches could cause them to break.

 I love working here because I am surrounded by all of my friends.  This is my favorite witch, Annie Lewis.  My daughter bought her for me for Xmas this year.

 Everyday, I cheer Mueller on and flip Trump the bird.

 I intend to reorganize this entire area this spring.  I'm sure there are things I can get rid of.  Or, maybe not.
 The Blog Tech and his wife brought Millie back from France for me.  She is the guardian of the craft area.  She keeps her eye on everything.

It's a good thing to surround yourself with the things you love.


Love the witches on your shelves! And those rabbits!
Leanna said…
Lucy does the same thing. During the warmer temps, I leave the front door open and let her look out the screen door at the kids waiting for the school bus. I know if she were to somehow get out, she would be on a bus whit them going to school just so she could give kisses.
I love the witches you have. I would love to walk around in there and listen to all the stories everything has to tell.
Susan said…
Whatever comes out of your craft room (and your boundless, endless imagination) will be wonderful! What a lovely collection of witches!
bobbie said…
LOVE those BobbleHeads!!

I do the same! LOL...

Your "tree" will be gorgeous. Around here I find a lot of those pins at antiques stores, which we have aplenty on the shoreline.

Guillaume said…
I'll start working on this year's Halloween first. great witches, by the way.
the pins on the trees look fabulous.