Dump Trump


Betty said…
Made me sick watching it yesterday. I hope we make him a one term person in the white house. I still can't call him the P word.
jaz@octoberfarm said…
neither can i betty, neither can i. i mean, he only got elected because he had russia's help. i agree with jimmy carter...the guy is a false president.
Mary said…
trump should remember we revolted against a Tyrant who imposed too many taxes and tariffs. Yesterday was pathetic ,Independence Day is not "Military" it is a Birthday party! Just saying.
I hadn't heard about the donated fireworks. Hmmm. Probably Koch Brothers or someone equally slimy.
Leanna said…
He's gone totally off the deep end. People need to talk and get the word out to vote blue in 2020.
bobbie said…
I just knew you would have some great ones to post today!!!
I didn't watch a single second of it ~ I just couldn't!!
Christer. said…
Great ones as always!

Anonymous said…
There will be a natioinwide protest July 12 at 8 pm EDT "Lights for Liberty" to protest the cages at the southern border. Please Google it.
Guillaume said…
The Soviets did it better.
Anonymous said…
These are great!!! Thank you.

Midwest Cowgirl