Halloween is Coming

 I just can't believe how fast October is flying by.  As usual, Fall starts and is over in the blink of an eye.

I am sucking the life blood out of every minute of it.  We have traveled to every Fall festival we can find and soaked in the beautiful Autumn countryside as much as we can.  Fall food is prepared daily and fires are built each evening.  All of my doors and windows are open to allow Autumn smells to waft through the house.

We pick up several pumpkins every few days.

 We are having company on Halloween so I have been planning the menu.  Maybe I'll make some Halloween pies!

 Suddenly pies are not especially appetizing.

 But who knew they could be so much fun for Halloween!

I have so many ideas for what I want to make this year, but time is running short.  I need October to be at least 3 months long.


Rain said…
OMG those pies are so grosse lol!!! But I do like the last one! I know what you mean...Fall is slipping through my fingers...Halloween is only 12 days away!!! EEEK!
NanaDiana said…
LOL about those pies~ Can you imagine those on a buffet style dessert table? Too funny! I agree- I could do October all year long. xo Diana
Oh, those pies! The little one-eyed tarts are the creepiest!
Christer. said…
I do like those pies :-) :-)

Autumn is much longer up here, at least now days. Today turned out to be a rather nice autumn day with some sunshine and 50F.

Have a great day!

loving the pies. looking good. halloween will be here before we know it.
Leanna said…
I love Halloween. It's the only time of year where you can make your pie baking mistakes look like Frankenstein's monster.
Guillaume said…
Cthulhu pies! I cannot believe how quick it is coming either. I barely had time to do all I wanted to do. I started reading spooky and Halloween stories in August and I still have loads to go through! I have my Halloween read for next year all figured out, and I might start in June!