What's Happened To American?



"Be a TRUE patriot. Don't wear a coat." LOL!
Good ones as always and it is horrible what happens in Texas right now but they can't really blame anyone else than themselves.

Mike said…
Texas is reaping what it has sown.
Teacats said…
Of course the skyrocketing natural gas prices have created a windfall for billionaires like Jerry Jones of the Cowboys!!

Good thing that the Texas taxpayers have ponied up money for lots of his projects! (highly sarcastic tone here)

Not surprised about Cruz -- and yes -- his base voters will continue to vote for him ....

Meanwhile Beto O'Rourke has helped more than 150,000 with a phone bank to reach vulnerable seniors to help find help or get them to warming shelters.

Unknown said…
Hate to be so cold (pun intended) but Texans voted for these idiots. Maybe they'll learn a lesson and vote them out next election cycle. I knew Ted Cruz was somewhere warm taking care of Ted Cruz. He's such a weasel. So is his wife by the way.
Dave Crowe said…
Hope he was in Cancun long enough to pick up some Montezuma's Revenge from the Gift Shop to bring home as a souvenir.