Dreaming of Flowers

I have big plans for my gardens this season and planting lots of flowers is part of this plan.  I would like to create a cottage garden around the witch shed. If there is one thing my garden is lacking, it's flowers. For years, the lower garden has been too shady to grow much in the way of flowers.  Because of tree removal, this year I have more light so I think flowers will be possible.

I love perennials!  I am starting a bunch of them from seed and once I am vaccinated, I will venture out to look for more.  I know that it will take years to fine tune this project and it will definitely be ongoing as most gardens are.  Thanks to covid, right now I have the time.

I like the idea of mixing edibles with perennials and will be trying this out too. I like the way the obelisks are used in this setting.

A lot of perennials are biennials but if left to drop seeds, you can have a repeat of them each year.

I think of all the cottage flowers, hollyhocks are my favorite. I want to plant these in as many colors as I can find.

And wouldn't something like this look nice on the witch shed porch?

My mother's favorite flowers were 'lilies of the valley'.  I have been trying to naturalize them for years and have them planted all around my lower gardens but this year, I might do something like this.  I think they would look wonderful planted in pots and placed in strategic areas.

I just happened to find a set of these baskets when I was thrifting a couple years ago so they will be included this year too.

I am still mostly in the planning stages because it is just early March and much too cold to implement any of these ideas.  Just ask Willie and The Blog Tech.  The Blog Tech is still wearing his touque though Willie doesn't need one. It's still cold out there!

***BTW...if anyone has been using Seresto flea and tick collars on your pets, take them off now and check with your vet.  These collars are killing pets!  I had them on both pups and ripped them off when I heard this.  We are visiting the vet today to address this situation.


Valerie said…
We are a little warmer, here in SC, but still have some cold nights left. I'll be starting my herb garden this weekend. RE: flea & tick meds--ask your vet about nexgard. It's a monthly ingestible. My small doxies, doxie-x, and shih-tzu are doing well with it. Good luck!
I love hollyhocks! They are one of my favourite "heritage" flowers. Also lily of the valley -- so, SO fragrant in the Spring!
Amanda said…
Back in the 90s, I noticed one of my cats getting a bald spot on his neck. Pointed it out to my vet, who told me never to put a flea collar on any cat ever, they could be dangerous. He said the best use for them was to cut them into pieces an inch or two long and put them into your vacuum cleaner bags where they could kill any fleas they sucked up.
Yes those collars and drops (and pills too) can be dangerous to pets. Some are just fine while other pets get really sick (some become aggressive as well) and die. I never use them after Orvar and Hector had huge problems from them.

I really need to find drought resistant flowers. Most of the ground in my garden is pure sand and while that is perfect during rainy summers it's really a flwoer killer when summers are dry. I have had catus but there are the obvious problems with them :-) :-)

Have a great day!

I love flowers! Those pictures are so pretty. I don't have cats or dogs, but I worry about those animals.
Mike said…
The Seresto legal team is building the protective wall around their product.
Mary Bolton said…
My Mom had a mass planting of Hollyhocks that the Hummingbirds loved!
Can't wait to see your garden grow!
Guillaume said…
Lovely pictures. But right now, I am already dreaming of autumn.
Unknown said…
I too am dreaming of Autumn. I don't like the heat even a little. I will say though that giant pot with the "lilies of the valley" sure is pretty. And there is nothing prettier than a yard full of flowers. Still more a fan of Autumn though.
Kathryn said…
I had black hollyhucks in NJ, a neighbor gave me white & black. just stunning. Canlt wait to see what you do . Those are death collars that are so bad for your pet. Thank you for sharing that with the public who listen to their veternarians blindly. Great weekend to you K~