


Laura said…
these are all fantastic. i can't pick a favorite!
love, kisses & magical wishes...

ps...hugs to the puppers
Yes, WD-40 to the rescue! There's nothing it can't do! Love the Australian spider too, LOL.
Teacats said…
Excellent postings!!

Loved all!

and yes -- please add my hugs to the dogs too!


Jan at rosemary Cottage
So fun today and the second one is absolutely true :-) Back in the day we also called the Flappingmouse for Leatherpatch but that was a long time ago.

Have a great day!

Guillaume said…
Goats have it easy. And my son loves lemurs.
love them all. but those eyes on the kitty at the end made me smile the most.
Mike said…
Dr. Who is sadly correct.
Unknown said…
OMG that spider is huuuuuuuge!!!! Oh, wait a minute it's just a bunch of Lemurs enjoying a meal. Huge sigh of relief.