


Valerie said…
Excellent line-up! Thanks!
National Kool-Aid Day! Too funny!
Bee Haven Bev said…
I love the quote about science. It is so true… People think that when science changes that they’ve been lied to and it simply drives me crazy. Science is an ever changing field… Always moving forward… Always making new discoveries… Always learning… That’s what we all should be striving for!
Marcia LaRue said…
OMG ... all so true and, yes ... any day would be a good day to see the Orange Maggot get arrested!
bobbie said…
Great ones ~ TFS!
All so good!

Have a great day!

Guillaume said…
I am glad to see that I'm not the only one who thinks Don Jr. is a cokehead. Oh and the cartoon from the 1930sis absolutely chilling.
People don't understand science!
Unknown said…
Good ones! And also, I hate Donald Trump!!! Arrest the orange water buffalo already!