More Lies

Wait - I thought that the Russkies were supposed to be masters at propaganda.

This blather is right down there with some of the Fucking Moron’s lunatic ravings. What - did Vlad get him to write it for them?

This is elementary school shit, at best.


Click to enlarge.

 One of the best punishments I've ever seen.


Bee Haven Bev said…
Lies, lies and more lies.
Marcia said…
That statement is unbelievable!
Susan said…
The height of fabrication and outright lies. Typical. The world says otherwise. Looters beware or else...tied to the stake (lamp post).
Helen said…
As to the looter. I thought this was perfect when I saw it somewhere else on the internet. Seems like it fits the crime. :) And everyone has a chance to see your face, hope your mother is proud.
Amazing lies! perfect punishment, better than jail.