


Yeah, and the Founding Fathers meant the 2nd amendment to apply to muskets. Ban everything except muskets!
Mary V said…
The Founding father wanted citizens to have “arms” because we had formal military. So just “in case “ .I agree muskets for all, a bullet every minute or so.
Susan said…
It's the guns! Let's not get distracted with the non-critical. Stay focused and take critical actions to save lives and change gun law.
Leanna said…
This is a great lineup. The meme about the Gas Price Anti-Gouging bill says it all. Thank you so much for posting that one. I have to borrow that one.
Unknown said…
I don't know why everyone is up in arms (no pun intended). Just make sure all the doors are locked. It's not the guns, it's open doors. Really Republicans? Really? Are you that stupid? Yeah, I guess you are.