The Bar

Like a condemned prisoner going to the chair, My Daughter and I asked The Blog Tech what he would like for his last dinner before taking the bar exam starting today.  Our thinking was that he should at least have a good meal in his belly and some good food to look forward to each day when he returns from endless hours of testing.  He requested egg rolls which I haven't made in years.  He got his egg rolls.

When he was little, he always ordered chicken with water chestnuts when we ate at Asian restaurants.  His sister filled his request for that dish.

He also requested some Italian food so I made him stuffed cubanelle peppers.

And served them on cacio e pepe pasta.  

His sister also made him his favorite sushi bake which he ate wrapped in nori with lots of Japanese sides.  Brain food!

My Daughter made him a peanut butter cream pie.

And a chocolate turtle pie.

I threw in some peanut butter cookies and chewy coconut cookies though I forgot to take a pic of the coconut ones. He is very excited to take the bar which is a good sign.  He has studied for at least 8 hours a day for months and I know he is ready.  Go get em Blog Tech!



If being happy and full of your favorite foods or coming home to them helps with the Bar in addition to studying, then he is bound to have an edge.
Megs said…
With that menu, he should ace the bar!
Good luck to the Blog Tech! Before each segment of my bar exam, I always fueled up with a corned beef on rye with hot mustard and a dill pickle, followed by a slice of NY cheesecake with cherries on top, at the Jewish deli across the street from the Law Society.
Mary V said…
I am sure he will do great, with such a happy stomach.
Marcia said…
A lot of food. Did it take him 8 hours to eat it all or did he munch while studying?
1st Man said…
Sending positive vibes and good energy!!

Also hungry now....ha.
Unknown said…
How can he go wrong. Good luck to the Blog Tech!
Wow, may all that fab deliciousness nourish 'n' sustain Blog Tech s he traverses through is bar exam journey. Best wishes to him!

And now I must engage my search engine to explore this sushi bake you mention. Intriguing!