A Change of Seasons

Remember when I decorated this sideboard at the guest house last year? I displayed my cabbage ware collection on it.  I thought it would be fun to dig out my redware pottery collection and decorate the sideboard for Fall and Winter.

I haven't had the redware out in many, many years.(Click to enlarge.)

I decorated the small French piece too.  It was fun unwrapping all of these and seeing them again.  I forgot what I had, and how many pieces.

A very early American display.


Kathryn said…
Good morning

I rmember when your cellar country kitchen wa starting to form
Lots of work!
Just lovely, Joyce! You're all set for Fall now!
I love the redware leaf plates! It is all ready for cool weather and falling leaves. What are the temps now?
Leanne said…
Looks lovely! I love watching you decorate for your autumn. So many signs of spring here YIPPIEEEE
Guillaume said…
Lovely pictures. And autumn is looming round the corner.
Megs said…
Beautiful pottery! I love Redware, and it says fall.
DrumMajor said…
Wow! Those aren't feedin' bowls for the Ws! Pretty! Linda in Kansas
Unknown said…
I think I am more partial to the redware than the cabbage ware. Very pretty.
Susan said…
Beautiful displays! Perfect for this time of year.
Bee Haven Bev said…
These are always my favorite posts. You have such lovely decor and such a great eye. I need you to help me design our next house- a smaller one here on the farm.