
Winnie unfortunately joined the ranks of all of my other chows yesterday when she tore her ACL.  I have to take her to the emergency room this morning to have it confirmed but after 5 of these, I know what I am looking at.  Willie tore his 2 years ago.  So, we have 4 months staring us in the face after surgery.  We will have to be with her 24/7 until sometime in June.  Have any of you been through this with your dogs?


OMG that's too bad. Such a high maintenance injury.
Megs said…
I have not, but wish you and Winnie recovery!
DrumMajor said…
What a bummer! I wonder if the breed is more prone to them, or if there are genetic tendencies in some breeder lines. Maybe you can submit her name in the home health section of your health insurance to get some of the 24/7 help! Hope everyone feels better soon. Linda in Kansas
Leanna said…
I'm so sorry you have to deal with this problem again. Had a problem with Spunky our Boston with his hip. It lasted two months. It was hard to keep him from wanting to run when he shouldn't. I hope her recovery goes smoothly and quickly.
Bee Haven Bev said…
Oh, this really stinks. I am so sorry you have to face this yet again. Our only dog who ever had a torn ACL was our brown Sammie. His healed on its own (took a little time, but he limited his own activity) - which is good, because he never would have tolerated the post-op period.