Do You Remember?

Fortunately or unfortunately, I recognized them all.


Linda said…
I remember all of them. Yes, I can smell that cap pistol.
Linda said…
Last one. I miss that button. Next to last--I stuck my finger to that one day!
Mary V said…
Recognize all but #3? I too can smell the caps but in our neighborhood no one had a gun we just hit caps with a rock!
JustGail said…
I had to think about #2 for a few seconds. Not only do I know what they all are, I used them all too.
Leanna said…
I remember every one of these. I can smell the Mercurochrome and that cap pistol. I remember playing my 33rpm records at 45 just for laughs.
Guillaume said…
I remember a lot of them. I can definitely smell the photo. The numbers I remember then, but damn if I know what they were for.
Marcia LaRue said…
What the heck is #3? I recognize everything else but not that one!
jaz@octoberfarm said…
the numbers are from your record turntable. silly putty! we used it on the newspaper ad comics to copy them!
kmkat said…
#2 baffles me. What is it? The only thing I can come up with is a 5-at-a-time roach clip, which I am pretty sure is wrong.