The Garden

I have so many plans for my gardens this year and they have all been put on hold due to Winnie's surgery.  However, she is scheduled for her leg x-ray next Tuesday and if it looks good, she can be in the garden and woods on a leash.  So, I should be able to start doing some gardening.  One of my goals is to grow climbing hydrangeas and clematis up the trunks of most of my trees. It will give the garden added interest and hide some ugly trunks.
Another project it to line my outdoor stairs with rhododendron and azaleas.  Of course, it will take several years before everything grows in, but if nothing else, gardeners must have patience.


I hope Winnie's leg x-ray shows successful healing. Your garden plans sound lovely.
Carol said…
I love any plants that climb. Clematis, wisteria, it adds so much to a garden. One of my favorites is porcelain berry which grows quickly and seems to like our rough Ohio winters. Love and healing vibes to your pup.
Mary V said…
Finger crossed for a good x-ray for Winnie. Your garden will look even lovelier with climbing plants. I have a neighbor who planted ivy under a tree ,now she must have it trimmed every year. Keep under control…
Linda said…
Beware of climbing wisteria. It ruined several trees in my yard because I thought it was so pretty. It is beautiful and destructive. It needs to be tamed for its beauty.
Megs said…
I hope Winnie is getting better! Such beautiful ideas! I’m going to plant Clemantis this year.
DrumMajor said…
How ya gonna garden while on one end of a leash with a dog wanting to roam all over? Linda in Kansas