


Mary V said…
A convicted felon and rapist ( yes a federal Judge had said his is) and they still support him! I cannot figure what is wrong with these people. This is the face and standard bearing for the Republican Party.
Marcia said…
I was so happy to hear that verdict. Republicans supporting tRump are such hypocrits.
Finally! A good day for the justice system.
Just Ducky said…
Unfortunately I don't believe it will make a shred of difference in whether or not Trump continues his campaign. His supporters are blind to his faults and crimes. What a country we live in!
Linda said…
The very religious right is his base along with gun toting faction. A woman was in my house cleaning when the news was on last week. I remarked that he was such a bad person with his views on woman. She said, "Well, we all have our faults." I was stunned!
Guillaume said…
Ì'm so glad it happened. And I'm not surprised. Not only because he did it, but because he gave such a stupid defence.
Susan said…
I will be forever grateful to the jury. Guilty on all counts. True justice.
DrumMajor said…
Just wait til he discovers he can't own a gun in Florida or New a convicted felon. He'll have to resort to throwing ketchup on the wall. Linda in Kansas