A Cheshire Pie.

A wonderful vegetarian meal.

The crust is made with both Parmesan and Cheddar.

I add just enough cold water to bring it together.

I always put all of my doughs in zip lock baggies.

It's easy to pull them together and flatten them into a disk to chill.

For the pies filling I chopped some onions and a jalapeno. I remove all of the seeds and the veins from the peppers so you get the flavor but not the burn. If you like things spicy just leave them in.

I add this to about a 1/2 cup of creme
fraiche or you can use sour cream.

Then I mixed in a cup of Cheshire cheese shredded and
coarsely cracked pepper.

Time to use my new pastry board. Yahoo!

I sat my redware pie plate on the board to see how big the bottom crust needed to be.

Then I spread flour all over the board.

I rolled the dough to the correct size.

And laid it in the pie pan.

Then I cut the potatoes very thin.

I put a layer of potatoes in the bottom.

Then sprinkled the cheese mixture over it.

Continue to repeat layers until it reaches the top.

Roll out the rest of the dough and cover the top.

Trim the dough around the pie plate.

Press the edges with a fork.

Spread the top with melted butter. You don't want to vent this pie because the sealed in steam helps cook the potatoes. This bakes at 350 for over an hour until golden brown.

A few potatoes slipped!

And for everyone that is not a vegetarian, I suggest serving this with gravy. I used extra gravy from yesterday's pot roast. It was scrumptious. And it smells divine!
Have a great day now!
How's Teddy?
A cheddar and parmesan crust ? Yummy ! Got to try it sometimes !
I also love your redware pie plate! :-)
And what kind of rolling pin is that? Have you had it a long time, enough to know how much you like it, or if you wished there was something different about it?
Thanks for another yummy post!
Mouth watering over here!