I can't believe I totally forgot to put my post up until this evening. Sorry! I made the first apple pies of the season. We actually had rain and a bit of cooler weather.
I peeled and sliced some ginger golds, galas and granny smith's.
To make the caramel sauce, melt a stick of butter in a pan.
Add 3 tablespoons of flour and whisk until it is smooth.
Add 1/4 cup of water.
Add 1/2 cup of white sugar.
Then 1/2 cup of dark brown sugar. I doubled the recipe which is why you see me adding 1 cup.
Bring it to a boil and simmer it for 1 minute, then set it aside to cool.
Place the sliced apples in a pre-made pie dough. I made these in soup sized bowls. Each pie will serve at least two people. Ladle some of the caramel over the apples. Make a lattice crust for the top.
It was so warm in my kitchen that the dough was tough to work with. Usually my lattice is much neater.
Divide the remaining caramel between the pies and pour it through the lattice.
Make sure the pies are on a rimmed covered cookie sheet. I did not do this and my oven was a mess.
They do boil over when they cook.
But they are certainly worth it!
I made caramel sauce today to go on homemade chocolate ice cream. Apples aren't in yet here.
this looks so FALL !!! i bet those smelled so good in the kitchen...
the next apple pie around here will be CARAMEL apple pie....love the baby pies !!! really cute.
kary and l'il teddy
xoxo to Teddy Red Fluffs.
I can't wait for fall and apple season!
Have a great day!