Mmmmmm.....make this. You will not be sorry!
Obatzda is served in almost all German beer halls.

Put 4 tablespoons of butter, 8 oz. of cream cheese, 2 tsp.
worcestershire sauce, 2 tablespoons of granulated garlic and 1 grated small white onion in the bowl of your mixer.

Add several diced shallots.

Add 1 tablespoon of paprika. Add some salt and pepper. Beat to mix.

Add 1 cup of grated cheddar.

Add dark beer tablespoon by tablespoon mixing to get a spreadable consistency. I did not have dark beer so I used light. I used about 1/4 cup.

Cube a round of Brie or Camembert into 1/4 inch cubes.

Leave the rind on. You want the cubes to stay intact.

I made a LOT of this for my daughter's event tonight. Make it a day ahead to give the flavor a chance to improve.

Serve several scoops with pretzels or dark bread.
The Blog Tech is driving all the food I made to my daughter for her event this evening. He is then heading off to a music concert. He will be doing guest blogs through Monday. He likes keeping me Blog Tech dependent!
Have a great day!
john will LOVE this !!! i will too...and it's perfect for Fall....
getting the stuff at the grocery tomorrow....
kary and l'il teddy
Kiss Teddy for Bella