2017 Total Eclipse of the Sun

 Are you ready for it?  Do you have your glasses?  Remember not to look directly at it unless it's one of the last things you want to see!  Do you know what to expect during the eclipse?

All life on earth depends on a luminous umbilical cord 8 minutes and 19 seconds long, the time it takes light to travel here from the sun.

During a total solar eclipse, this lifeline is temporarily severed. At the moment of totality, a tide of darkness briefly swallows the land.

Life responds instantaneously.  Most living things have biological clocks-constellations of genes, proteins and neutrons-synchronized to the sun's rhythms.

Many animals will appear baffled. People have reported that deer become restless and anxious, sheep stampede and bleat and honey bees return to the hive. Birds scatter and screech, or huddle silently in groups, as though it were time to roost.  Mosquitoes emerge.  Crickets and owls begin their evening concerts.

Photosynthesis in wheat, oats, peas and beans plummet to a fifth of it's typical rate. The stomata of some plants remain open "like they were shocked speechless" said one scientist.  The silent scream!

Earth's surface temperature drops as much as 13 degrees. The very chemistry of the air changes.

A momentary alteration of our planets relationship to the sun.

Will you be watching?

Personally, I am expecting the aliens to sneak in when it is dark and take Trump back.  We get the joke already!


Guillaume said…
Here in the UK we will mostly miss it.
Rain said…
I'll have my camera and tripod set up I think :) I'll be watching through the camera viewer! The last one I remember was when I was in grade school in the 70's.
Rain said…
Thanks Joyce! I'll take a look into that, last thing I want to do is burn out the camera!!!
Rain said…
Me again, it could burn out the sensors, I'm happy I have you looking out for me :) I would need a solar filter which I don't have...I think we'll just stay indoors and enjoy the lighting effect :)
Susan said…
Well, we can always hope. A little known service is that there are a lot of local libraries that have special viewing glasses for free - you just have to pop in and get a pair, while they last. I'm going to sit here silently and see if I feel like stampeding.
Leanna said…
OMG! Don't forget the Lizardmen of S.Carolina come out during an eclipse. AAahahahahaaa. Go Google it.
got to see most of it until the ckouds and thunderstorm rolled in.