A Mennonite Farm

We stopped at a Mennonite farm on Saturday to buy tomatoes so I could make sauce.  I had never seen Indian corn made into a wreath before.

 Their prices are so good!  Pots of mums were 2.00 each.

 They were selling horses made out of corn husks.

Sorry for the glare but these swan gourds were really cute sitting on their squash eggs.

 Broom corn.

 For years I could only buy orange pumpkins and now they come in every color.

 Click for a closer look.

 I was very impressed with how they grew the sweet potato vine up the side of their shed.

 Mums come in many colors too.

 One of the Mennonite girls.

 You can take a wagon ride out to the field to pick pumpkins if you like.

 There are lots of animals to pet.

 The farm has pillars made of hay bales.

It was a fun trip and my tomatoes are already sauce?


That's a real nice operation they've got there. The corn husk horse made me laugh!
loved the indian corn wreath and the horses made of corn husks. definitely cool.
Leanna said…
I wish they had something like that here. Mums for $2? *heavy sigh* The sauce looks heavenly.
Susan said…
New York Mennonites must use a different price book. No way could I find $2 mums at any of the Mennonite farms or stores. What a bonanza you have there!
What a great place to visit, and their prices! wow!

Linda said…

the hay columns are probably going to be hay people. They were first brought to my town from Germany. Look at this two minute video.


I was looking for a picture but found this video.
Laura said…
Not trying to judge, but these people are not good to their animals. We had one of them charged with cruelty here in NY after he shot a mother dog and her puppies because he couldn't sell them. He just left them in a ditch. They just see dollar signs, not living creatures.
Guillaume said…
The pumpkins, the Jack O's. I love it.
I used to buy just orange pumpkins but now I get many different colors and shapes from our Amish farmers. I do love visiting their farm stands.