Pasta Handkerchiefs with Oven Roasted Marinara

 My kids were all off work yesterday so I made them lunch and dinner.  I made this rich, thick, oven roasted marinara sauce.  I put all of the ingredients  in a big pot and roasted it until it condensed. You can do this with any marinara sauce recipe. It is delicious.

 Then I made this wonderful pasta dish.  I bought sheets of pasta and boiled them until al dente.  Then I dipped them in my homemade pesto sauce and placed a scoop of ricotta on one end.

 I mixed the ricotta with some Parmesan, shredded Mozzarella, salt and pepper and some dried oregano.  I put a couple cups of marinara in a heat proof dish and then folded the lasagna in half over the ricotta and placed them overlapping on top of the sauce.

I sprinkled more shredded mozzarella over the top and covered it with foil.  They bake for about 20 minutes at 400 degrees then you uncover them and place them under a broiler just until they start to turn golden.  These were served with garlic bread.

 Then I made hamburger buns.

I fried some chicken and made everyone fried chicken sandwiches with pickles.   Happy kids!


There's nothing like Mom's home cooking!
Leanna said…
OY! That looks so damned yummy. What's your address? I wanna be adopted.
I'll be the fat kid you never had.
Christer. said…
Looks delicious and easy to make so I'll try it.

Have a great day!

Tech Cloud Ltd said…
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