Blessed Lammas

These are the dog days of summer, the gardens are full of goodies, the fields are full of grain, and the harvest is approaching. Take a moment to relax in the heat, and reflect on the upcoming abundance of the fall months. At Lammas, sometimes called Lughnasadh, it's time to begin reaping what we have sown throughout the past few months, and recognize that the bright summer days will soon come to an end.

It is now high summer and the union of Sun and Earth, of God and Goddess, has produced the First Harvest. Lammas is the celebration of this first, Grain Harvest, a time for gathering in and giving thanks for abundance. We work with the cycle that Mabon or the Autumn Equinox is the Second Harvest of Fruit, and Samhain is the third and Final Harvest of Nuts and Berries.
The word 'Lammas' is derived from 'loaf mass' and is indicative of how central and honoured is the first grain and the first loaf of the harvesting cycle.

 Bake bread and potato dishes.  Celebrate this first harvest.

It's a perfect time to set up a Fall candy altar!


Christer. said…
I wish You the same!

Have a great day!

Leanna said…
Blessed Lammas! I was going to make sourdough bread but that's a washout. Anywho, Have a magical day.
How interesting! I learn the most interesting things here.
Guillaume said…
I haven't forgotten Lammas Day. I never do, since I read that epic poem:

I used to dislike AUgust as a child, like I disliked Sundays. Not so much anymore.

Oh and as usual: glorious pictures.
1st Man said…
I'll be honest I've never heard of this but I LOVE it. Thank you for sharing. It's a great thing and wonderful way to celebrate.
Rain said…
Oh I love your Fall candy altar!!! :)) Happy belated Lammas Joyce. I sighed a bit reading this...summer will soon come to an end.