The Sun and The Moon

Click on any pic to enlarge.

 This is me.

 This is not.

Are you a selenophile or a heliophile?


Betty said…
I am a Moon girl.
Christer. said…
They are all so true.

Mary said…
I am a Moon girl, always will be too! That is my Maiden name.
Leanna said…
I've always been a lover of the sun but now I have turned to the moon and I have found my soul all over again.
I love the moon too! Great post, Joyce!
Guillaume said…
I am not sure which one I prefer. I love an bring but cool autumn day, but I love also when night falls. I find the moon soothing. Gosh, it's really difficult for me to know. Lovely quotes, in any case.
1st Man said…
I'm more of a moon guy. But I do love the sun to a degree. Just don't like it in August, ha. But I find the sun recharges me much like a solar panel. But the moon calms me and speaks to me (metaphorically).
My name says it all the moon for me. So funny I was thinking about the sun and moon just yesterday and how much I have them around my house. But the moon always comes first.
Rain said…
Hmmm...I relate more to the Moon...but these days I'm definitely a heliopheliac!