

Betty said…
That is so true and to be even more worst is when it is someone in your family that you love so much that does it to you.
Christer. said…
All so true and I know the feeling all to well.

Rain said…
Very thoughtful and powerful post. I've lived that and I still don't understand it. xx
Anonymous said…
Sounds like someone has hurt you deeply. I've been reading your blog for a long time and I feel I've gotten a good take on you as an individual; so let me just say you are one of the most generous and big hearted women I've ever known. In person or from a distance such as on line. Therefore, a pox and curse on whomever caused you such hurt! A pox, I say! Cuddle the Ws and cook something marvelous and go after more pumpkins, just don't let them ruin your favorite time of year cause they ain't worth it!

Sincerely, Nora H.
Guillaume said…
I hope you are fine.