A Little Ponderin'


Mary said…
Sadly I like them all, which is very sad indeed. Clean coal right! I lived in rural England for a year coal is not clean. I am sure there are people who think Mt Everest just appeared. since the earth is only a few of thousand years old right?
Jan said…
Well then there are some that still think the earth is FLAT. Really, did you not graduate from High School and then College. I couldn't believe what I was hearing from an educated adult. This was a friend of the DH. Not sure why he is a friend, they have nothing in common.
These are all great but the last three made me positively guffaw!
Christer. said…
They are all soo good :-)

Have a great day!

Rain said…
Those are great! And for some reason whenever I see a monkey smoking or drinking brandy, I fall to the floor laughing...