Wednesday Smiles


Me on halushki making day.


Valerie said…
Oh, the first one just cracked me up. And yes, I share the super power of decluttering stuff I'll need next week :-D. Have a good day!
daisy g said…
Thanks for starting my Wednesday with a chuckle!
Pierogi pup! That YUGE cabbage! My Rare One and I just had borscht for lunch yesterday. Delicious!
They are all so fun :-) :-)

Have a great day!

Leanna said…
Kuchisabishii, that made me laugh. I would have to say my mouth gets lonely for sweet things right after dinner. Like cheesecake, ice cream, apple pie, or chocolate cake.
Megs said…
Loved the babushka one!
Mike said…
I have that superpower also.
my mouth does get lonely!
Unknown said…
Funny, thanks so much. The 7th one. Who woulda thunk. Ha Ha Ha!!!