I Am Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired About Trump



Mary V said…
I honestly believe the Founding Fathers set up impeachment trial by the Senate knowing these men would have Honor. When shown the evidence they would have not choice but to find a President guilty. The Founding Fathers were wrong ,these republican senators have no Honor! These republicans could be show a video, hear a tape and see a tweet by trump saying yes this is what I want. " Storm the congress and do whatever you want." They would still not convict, I am back to being ashamed of America.
I saw one meme that said this impeachment trial is like when a KKK criminal was put on trial in the old days -- he was never convicted either because the judge and jury were all KKK too.
Marcia LaRue said…
I am sharing this page on my Facebook page ... every meme is right on the money!
They are all so good and true!

Have a great day!

Guillaume said…
They're slimes, aren't they?
bobbie said…
What I love the most is the title of your post! Amen, sista!
Mike said…
All of these are spot on.
Unknown said…
Those Republicans senators are disgusting. Do your job! Convict him! He should never be allowed to run again nor have any perks paid for by the taxpayers.
I agree with the title of your post.