Ted Ewwwws


Yet again, his true colours are showing.
Mary V said…
Hope Texans remember this behavior by cruz like the Alamo come Election Day. Don't you think every parent would have liked to send kids to a warm place too!!!
Teacats said…
I really doubt that his base voters will even care about this crisis in 2024 -- whether he runs for the Senate or to be President!!

Even now there are folks around my part of this state saying "Forget it!! Put it behind us and concentrate on cleanup" which is a Part of the Republican strategy for decades over so many problems. "You're looking back!!!"

So -- just like the basic problems of the whole Texas power grid (not linking to a more national grid system, paying money and taking time to winterize equipment, pipes and control systems) -- nothing will change. The oil and gas corporations are already putting the blame on green energy systems -- saying that (of course) they will need billions to ramp up production.

But hey!! Jerry Jones made billions this week from his majority share of Comstock (natural gas producer)

These are sooo good :-)

Kay said…
After that hypocrite criticized others for leaving their state during a crisis. He is such a joke!
Mike said…
The last one is so on point.
Guillaume said…
He's a pudgy, fat, ugly slug.