Some Smiles




Each of these is a gem. Isn't it nice to really laugh, something orange man has stopped to a certain extent. He cast a pall over everything.
bobbie said…
Thanks for the big grins this AM ~ I especially like the last one!
I bet you dance with the W's all the time!
Marcia LaRue said…
LOL ... as usual ... all great!
I would imagine the W's let you know it's too damned hot to be dancing with anyone!!!
They are all soo good :-) :-) :-)

Have a great day!

Mike said…
Love the HOA fence.
Valerie said…
I love dancing with my dogs! Them, not so much. :-)Have a great weekend!
Guillaume said…
The cat reading The Art of War... It's funny because it's true.
Unknown said…
Loved 3 and 5. LOL LOL LOL