Women Hold Up Half The Sky



Mary V said…
Who was it that said women are the weaker sex anyway? Got that wrong , didn’t they.
Marcia LaRue said…
Wow ... just WOW!!!! And that very last one = Ouch!!! LOL
About a woman with a book--so true!
Amazing photographs and A girl with a book is so true!

Have a great day!

Chief Squirrel said…
for those perhaps a bit too young to know who the two women with raised fists...
Gloria Steinem & Dorothy Pitman-Hughes

Guillaume said…
Well I'm a man, but if I may contribute somehow: my mum's a doctor. Just sayin'.
When I see an adorable little girl dressed in a cute dress, I did say, "You are so cute. I love your hair and dress." Now, I say hi and then tell the little girl that I know she can read and loves to read. Some little girls are not old enough and say they cannot read. I tell those little girls she will learn to read soon and she will be able to read well. Mothers beam when I say that.

My desire to go to school was always thwarted. My mother noted that every time I went back to school, I either was moved or got pregnant. That statement opened my eyes.
Unknown said…
Awesome! Loved every one of those pictures. The little girl statue with the crochet collar. Love!