Really great rundown of how your data is being tracked with every move you make.



Leanna said…
I dropped FaceBook years ago and am glad I did. I didn't like the way they were creeping into my life. Twitter isn't so bad but Google and Yahoo take everything you do and where you shop online and shove it in your face on your phone and computer with ads. I'm not happy with it and rarely hit the okay buttons when I enter the sites.
I have heard about this before but I'm still amused when ever I see ads for something I know my closest work friend is interested in :-) Luckily for me he isn't interested in too odd things :-) :-) :-)

Have a great day!

Unknown said…
Lord help us all!
Jan said…
One more reason I'm glad I never jumped on the Facebook train. There are lots of groups I would love to be part of but not the way that Facebook shares Everything.