


Marcia LaRue said…
They are ALL funny ... especially the elf and Chuckie ... oh, the poor snowman!
Enjoy your day tomorrow however you can!
Susan said…
Yes, to comic relief. Thank you for sharing, we all need a bit of laughter.
Wishing you all the best for a wonderful holiday. Enjoy!
YES! Winnie the Pooh will be my new role model!
Heritage Hall said…
Alas, you still seem to have missed the message.... A blessed Christmastide to
you and yours while cherishing those you hold dear.....
Lots of laughs today, I especially liked the gingerbread man :-) :-) :-)

Good Yule!!

A gingerbread man can face an existential dilemma? Somebody is going to eat him.

I love the snowman!
Mary V said…
I know I shouldn’t smile but…grating the snowman. Hahahaha, Happy Holidays everyone.
Mike said…
When you read about 1980 and 2021 did you do some quick math in your head too?
Mystica said…
A very happy Christmas to you and yours.