

I wrote this a few years back. After seeing photos of swastikas being carried at a rally in Florida, today, I think it's time for it to see the light of day again.
Here it is.........
Today, I’ve been thinking a lot about this whole ‘neo-Nazi’ thing.
And I have to take the phrase, ‘neo-‘ out of it. I look at it as Nazism, plain & simple. Nothing ‘neo-‘ about it.
And that bothers the living hell out of me.
See, I was born in 1951. Six years after the end of World War II.
And, growing up, every kid I knew had a dad that was in the war. Every kid in the neighborhood. Every kid in school. Every friend. Every family. Every house we/they lived in was paid for, in part, by the GI Bill as thanks from a grateful nation for making the sacrifices they made.
And every kid’s father was a hero.
Because they all went overseas, to the Far East or to Europe or to the seven seas.
But they all went.
And they all fought.
Fought to eradicate the greatest scourge in history. A scourge that rounded up millions of people, put them into concentration camps & starved them until it was time for them to walk to their deaths in Auschwitz or Dachau or other places that had gas chambers, where they died horrible deaths by the hundreds at a time….until their numbers reached into the millions.
Our fathers & uncles fought that scourge in forests & in swamps & on beaches & on the high seas. Over three-hundred thousand of those would-be fathers & uncles left their mortal coils in the bloody dirt of those battlefields in their heroic attempts to erase that scourge.
Monte Cassino. The Bulge. Africa. Normandy. Anzio. Berlin. El Alamein. And thousands of other battles. Our dads & our uncles were there.
And on May 8, 1945, victory in Europe was achieved.
Hitler was gone. The Nazis were gone. The death marches were gone. The Reich was gone. Over & done with.
And our dads & our uncles & came home, knowing full well that their victory was forever. They had vanquished an army of unimaginable cruelty. They had vanquished the scourge of the earth.
And, as kids, we looked up to our dads & our uncles & our friends’ dads & their uncles & all the neighbors & all the school teachers & all the scout leaders & all the others who had gone, quite literally, to save the world.
They saved the world from Nazism.
And, now……now……somehow, that scourge is trying to return. Return in our own nation. Within our very shores. It is trying to return in the very same nation that made the world safe from it.
And I can’t quite believe it.
I can’t quite believe that there are people in this land that admire what Hitler had wrought. And that they want it for the United States of America.
To me & all of those other kids I grew up with, it is unfathomable.
This nation must NOT allow Nazism to exist within our midst.
It must be rooted out, perhaps the same way our dads & uncles rooted it out in Europe.
Those who subscribe to Nazism must be vanquished. Again.
We cannot allow what the Greatest Generation accomplished to be besmirched by this crowd of spiritually-bankrupt trash.
They are not Americans.
They are the enemy among us.
They are traitors.
And they must be treated as such.


Absolutely agree. Anyone who supports Nazi or fascist ideology is "spiritually-bankrupt trash."
Bee Haven Bev said…
This needs to circulate on social media!!!
I just cannot fathom the mindset. I tried to read this aloud, but it was making me cry. Thanks for this.
Marcia said…
The other day a lake atI saw a young man with a swastika tatooed on his chest. It was disconcerting to see to say the least. We do have a major problem in this country with Republicans who have embraced this racist ideology.
Susan said…
Absolutely! It needs to be squashed swiftly. No tolerance policy is critical.
Marcia LaRue said…
The big question is: "how" do we rid the country of the trash? Weed them out and deport them? I suppose if push came to shove, they could be executed, but that makes us no better then Hitler and his regime!
Change their hearts and minds ... Maybe some of them!
It is definitely a worry! Thank you for this posting!
DrumMajor said…
Beautifully written. I agree. But how can we stop it? Democrats will have to vote for another 50 years I'm afraid before this can be turned around. Linda in Kansas
Leanna said…
Thank you for posting this. You should post this once a year to remind everyone that this is not tolerated.
What I don't understand is why our nation doesn't make it against the law like Germany has. We should. It should be against the law to fly that flag, wear that uniform of any kind and hold meetings. Screw their feelings. People nowadays don't know what it was like or how scary it was to live in that time. They have no idea what happened and the families that were brutally murdered because of one little sick mind.
Guillaume said…
It is just vile. At this point, Trumpism is a fascistic cult, both religious and political. And a brand of domestic terrorism too.
Unknown said…
These racists were laying low with their hate and bigotry until one donald j. trump gave them all permission to come out and show their ugly, true colors. He needs to go. He needs to go to prison, he needs to go to hell. He just needs to go. But even still, it will be many, many years if ever, that we will be back to some kind of normalcy in this country.