Ahhhhh Fall

We drove to Amish country yesterday to soak in some Fall ambiance and we were not disappointed.  Though, every time I see displays like this, my canning guilt sets in. No tomato canning for me this year but I will be making pickles today.

I am dying to place pumpkins everywhere but we have one more week of hot weather on the way, so I restrained myself.  I don't want to buy them just to have them rot.

Same with mums.  Mums have to be kept evenly moist and we are in such a dry spell that I can't count on having the time to water them.  One more week and I will feel more confident in bringing them home.

There were lots of empty fields where the corn has been cut.  Now is the time to see fields full of geese, pheasants and crows eating the corn left behind.

Giant pumpkins are more prevalent than ever.

This is the entrance to an apple farm.

A pumpkin house.  Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere and I came home with only two.

The mountains are just beginning to show their colors.  I've had an idea to decorate in a very special way this year so, I will keep you posted.  I'll be heading back here very soon and I won't be coming home empty handed next time.


Looking forward to seeing this year's very special way of decorating!
Kathryn said…
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Kathryn said…
Beautiful countryside. Amish are notorious puppymillers.

This newspaper artice is written by a cop

What beautiful displays. I love the Fall colors and decorations for this time of year.
Unknown said…
What beautiful photos, so festive and Fall-ish. Loved the pumpkin house. Is there nothing prettier than rows of pumpkins and mums? Still a little warm here too. One more week and it should start turning cooler.
DrumMajor said…
That one big pumpkin looks like is slouched down and taking a nap. Linda in Kansas