2 Months

 I am patting all of us on the backs today.  We've made it through two months of Winnie-care and today she visits her surgeon for an x-ray to see how her leg is healing.  We have barely taken our eyes off of this girl or that leg for the entire time.  She has not been without one of us by her side for these 2 months either.  I hope we get good news and if so, rehab can begin.  We will still have 2 more months of intensive rehab and 2 more after that of more relaxed rehab and then hopefully our girl will be healed. 


I hope you get the best of news!
Mary V said…
Fingers crossed!
Linda said…
Pulling for you!
Leanna said…
Thank goodness! Y'all did a great job. I bet she's happy for it too.
DrumMajor said…
What a pose! You've provided excellent intensive care! (I think caregivers get something off their taxes, don't they?) Linda in Kansas