
Linda said…
They cannot look at it that way because it is just a physical need for them. Most cannot understand the big deal for women. They are the operators and we are gatekeepers. All responsibility is on females. Yet, we are not expected to have a choice.
Let me recommend a book--Reflecting Men at Twice Their Natural Size.
Men always expect a choice. Women should too.
Mary V said…
I am 75 for most of my life I had a choice…who took it away? Men.
DrumMajor said…
since 1972, I've always voted pro-choice, even finding out the leanings of the local tiny elections, cuz they can grow up to be evil politicians. We have a guy in Kansas running for senate who plans to ban abortion. This is AFTER the entire state voted to keep it a right in the Kansas constitution. Linda in Kansas
Jan said…
I just don't understand why this is an issue. Women need to be able to choose. Roe vs Wade needs to be reinstated. Women need to be protected. Trump flip flops like a fish out of water, he will never let women have a choice.