This is called, 'Waiting for a Walk'.  Winnie has already wrung the bells on the front door furiously.  I bell trained her which is not always the smartest thing to do when you have a very insistent chow.
The Blog Tech and his wife are moving into their new house this weekend.  Before I started my Memorial Day prep work today, I made them biscuit sandwiches for breakfast.

 I used good Amish buttermilk.  You can see the flecks of butter in it.

 I was mimicking Tudor Biscuit World ones so I made them very large.

Crispy and buttery on the outside and light as a feather on the inside.

 Yesterday, I made chimichurri sauce to eat on some of the Memorial Day sausages.

I don't think I've ever made this before but I will be now.  This is made with parsley, cilantro, lots of garlic, red pepper flakes, lemon juice and salt and pepper.  You could eat this on all sorts of things.  A short post today...I have so much to do!


Christer. said…
Albin usually starts with a sort of hum by the door when he wants to go outside and when he realizes that I don't care he starts to hit the bells, that I got from You, really hard until I go to the door :-) :-) :-)

Have a great day!

bornfreev said…
Is that a little black kitten to the left of Willie in the first photo? His toy or is that your Muse ...LOL
Congrats to the Blog Tech and his wife on moving into their new house!
jaz@octoberfarm said…
that is a black cat door stop!
Kay said…
Lucky Blog Tech! You are the BEST!
Guillaume said…
I love that spoon!