Just Thought I would Point aFew Things Out

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Valerie said…
At least little Donny gets to be first at something. The Scots called him a tangerine wank maggot. I concur
Marcia LaRue said…
No matter how you look at it ... he's an all-around loser!
The King of Assholes alright.
Just sad really.

Have a great day!

Michele said…
I want to see him pay.
Guillaume said…
Not merely a terrorist attack... A coup d'état. Thankfully he failed this time.
Unknown said…
The first president ever to have lifts in his shoes, a girdle, yellow cotton candy combed over hair and an orange day glow spray on tan and look like a complete clown (sorry clowns).
Kay said…
And YET he’s got all those supporters!!! Go figure.